Phytophiliac has been making music since 2021. Originally released on Bandcamp, her music is now available for streaming on all major streaming platforms. Discography is available for purchase on

plant based music plant based music plant based music plant based music plant based music plant based music plant based music plant based music plant based music


New Music Coming Soon!

I'm excited to announce a new music project in the making. This will be my ELEVENTH album overall and I can't believe I've made it this far. Thank you for your support in listening, sharing and buying my work. It really means a lot to me!

Been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt!

Now available through Big Frog, we have the merch!

Every purchase goes to support independent, non-corporate businesses. It is only through the continued support of listeners such as yourself that we are able to keep bringing you our very best.

Anthem of the Brave

I made this video to celebrate the bravery of those who chose to protest the unlawful and unethical COVID lockdowns and mandates. This video is my humble offering to the cause. for all those who are standing up to say “No! We will not comply!” and those who are standing for freedom against those who don’t think twice about trampling our rights. There are more of us than there are of them. keep on trucking!

Be Strong! Be Kind! Be Brave!

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